How To Use Pipe Screens - The Ultimate Guide
What Are Pipe Screens
Pipe screens are small, round devices, usually made of metal or glass. They fit into the bowl of a glass pipe and serve a simple but important purpose: to prevent smoking matter from being drawn into the mouth through the pipe. While this may seem like a minor inconvenience, the use of pipe screens can significantly improve the quality of smoking by preventing debris from entering the stem and mouthpiece.
Types Of Pipe Screens
Glass smoking pipe are usually categorized into the following three types:
Metal Screens: These are the most common type and are usually made of brass or stainless steel. Metal screens are durable and can be easily molded to fit different sized pipes.
Glass Screens: a more modern alternative, glass screens are popular for their durability and for not affecting the flavor of the smoking material.Rorabong offers high quality glass screens that are designed to last longer and provide a cleaner smoking experience.
Silicone Screens:Less common but still effective, silicone screens are pliable, easy to clean, and perfect for those who prefer non-metallic options. However, they may not be as durable as metal or glass screens.
How To Use Pipe Screens
Installing a pipe network may seem simple, but following a few steps will help you get a better fit and function:
1. Choose the right size
Before you start, make sure your glass pipe screens has the right size screen.Rorabong offers a variety of sizes, so make sure the screen fits snugly in the bowl and is not too tight or too loose.
2. Shape the screen
If you are using a metal screen, you may need to shape it to fit your pipe bowl perfectly. Gently press the screen into a slight dome shape that will contour to the inside of the bowl. Glass and silicone screens usually do not need to be molded.
3. Insertion of screens
Place the screen in the bottom of the bowl. For metal screens, use a small tool (such as a pencil or chopstick) to gently press them into the bowl so they are evenly placed. For glass or silicone screens, simply place them in the bottom of the bowl, making sure they are centered.
4. Check the fit
Make sure the screen is secure and won't move around. A properly installed screen should stay in place, even if you knock out the pipe after use. If the screen is too loose, it may move around during the session, which can lead to clogging or uneven burning.
5. Test it.
Before packing the bowl with material, do a quick test. Run it through the smoking glass pipe to make sure there is good airflow. If airflow is restricted, you may need to reposition the screen or try a different size.
How Long Do Pipe Screens Last
The service life of a pipe screen depends on its material and use. Metal screens usually last from a few weeks to a few months, and regular cleaning helps to extend their life. Glass screens are more durable and usually last a few months to a year, but they can break if handled roughly. Silicone screens can also last a few months, but may wear out faster than metal or glass. Frequent use and heat exposure can shorten the life of a screen, so regular maintenance is key to ensuring longevity. Replace your screen when it becomes clogged, warped or damaged.

How To Clean Your Pipe Screen
Regular cleaning of your duct filters is critical to maintaining a smooth smoking experience and extending the life of your filters. Therefore we need to clean it regularly, when cleaning it we first carefully remove the screen from the pipe using a small tool such as tweezers or a toothpick. Be gentle to avoid damaging the screen, especially if it is made of metal or glass.